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Major Project 1 - Task 1

Teo Mei Hui / 0358315 Major Project 1/ Bachelors of Design (Honors) in Creative Media / Taylor's University Task 1 INSTRUCTIONS TASK For this project, we need to work in groups to develop a proposal for an innovative concept that brings unique social, cultural, or economic value within our field. This means researching current technology and design trends that influence our industry, including case studies on product functionality, technical innovations, challenges, aesthetics, and overall effectiveness. Our goal is to identify a gap in the market—an unmet need or overlooked opportunity—and propose a creative solution that not only addresses the issue but also creates and captures value in a fresh, meaningful way. Process Firstly, we were assigned to a group of 4 and we began listing out our ideas for the topic, our group came up with three ideas which were : Digital Struggles for...

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